Hi, I have just recently added the OVMS module so only charged car a couple of times. First time it worked fine, the APP was constantly connected and updating as the car was charging.
However, today I put the car on charge (car locked and tunred off), the car was charging becasuse I can see that from my home chagrer APP but the OVMS didnt update or show the car as charging even with the APP showing as 'Live' in the top corner.
I turned the car on and then off, locked the car and then a few minutes later the APP jumped into life and is now showing as charging.
Reading the manual talks about 'zombie mode'. Im guessing this is the issue, how do I put the module into zombie mode? Or is that a fixed thing within the firmware version? I believe I am running the latest firmware.
Hello, did you manage to find a way to resolve this? I've just bought the ovms specifically to monitor battery SOC while car is on charge, and I have the same issue as you. SOC is fixed at the last state that it was when the car was last 'on', even though it's been charging for 4 hours
Have you got the OVMS module configured to shut down when the ignition is off, perhaps with quite a high threshold on the voltage so it shuts down quite soon?
Hi, I have the OVMS with a MG ZS EV (1st version).
My car is turned off, locked, connected and charging. -> charging OK
OVMS is connected to mqtt server and send every minute a message tu update the clock. -> MQTT server OK
But the status is not charging and there is no update on the SOC value.
I can connect to the OVMS http server, it's also working fine. All settings are accessible.
But it is showing a status "not charging".
The only reason I bought OVMS is to monitor my car charging. Did anyone managed to get this feature ???
Hi Liouma,
Can you please tell me what vehicle you have selected and what version of OVMS are you running.
Hi Greypeter,
I have a MG ZS EV (2020) from France. I selected MG EV (EU UK)
Hardware: OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/3 Firmware: 3.3.003/ota_0/main (build idf v3.3.4-848-g1ff5e24b1b Sep 3 2022 11:32:12) Running partition: ota_0 Boot partition: ota_0 Factory image: 3.3.001-33-g58d01654 OTA_O image: 3.3.003
What is the 12V battery reading on the status page while charging.
Here are more info from my ovms. The real charge status is 82% but ovms still displays 31.9%
On the status page:
3499968bytes free
17tasks running
Cellular Modem
MODEM Status Model: State: PoweredOff Mux: Not running PPP: Not running GPS: Not running
State: Connected OVMS V2 login successful, and crypto channel established State: Connected OVMS V3 MQTT login successful
SD Card
SD CARD is not inserted
On page Config-> vehicle / 12v monitor:
12V reference: default
12V alert threshold: default
And my Charging metrics :
SoC RAW31.7%
Current Status:
Cell deviation0.000V
Cell min3.726V
Cell max3.743V
AC Charger
AC Voltage231V
AC Current9.8A
AC Power2.264kW
In case you are unaware, when the car is turned off and not charging the polls are turned off so the 12 volt battery is not discharging.
If the SOC was working and it has just stopped working, I would suggest that you unplug the OVMS module from the ODB2 port for about 10-30 seconds and then plug it back in again.