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e-NV200 Climate Control Working - may not work on all vans

Hi All. After a bit of messing about I have got the climate control to switch on remotely with with the App AC buttons.

Note I have a 2015 with the full colour clarion head unit and charge and climate timer functions accessed through the head unit.

Later UK models at least do not have this head unit, particularly the cargo van and the timer functions are accessed through the side menu screen on the drivers dash.

Anyway, the trick was to set the climate timer to "climate control timer has priority" rather than charging timer priority.

The default internal vehicle temperature seems to be set at 22deg C, and the AC puts itself into auto mode with the charge timer light lit on the dash.

So if the internal temp is less than 22deg it will turn the heater on, more than 22deg it will swap to AC.

There doesn't seem to be any way to adjust this that I can find, and it makes no difference what mode you leave the AC in when you turn the car off as far as I can see.

So those with small batteries should be aware that the heating will drain the traction battery. Presumably down to the 15% that the CC timer has set as it's limit.

Some photos here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/7fzlchk5fx72ma2q8yfsw/ADOblQh__2OSsdbvyYRlJis?rlkey=59okk0ohibojynnslsszyb2k4&dl=0


Found the temperature for the timer climate control.

Temperature control is in another menu on the Clarion head unit. I've added a photo to the dropbox in the previous post. https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/x604mc2x29ay3fidcfs6m/IMG20241021132518.jpg?rlkey=845v9jjix1dzmulcwde2paalj&dl=0

So what seems to happen is Climate control engages, and either heat or AC gets activated depending on the set temperature.

What doesn't happen is the green indicator light in the OVMS car page AC button.

The climate control will run until the pre-set temperature is achieved and then shut down.

It doesn't reactivate itself if the temperature changes again.

So it's no like cabin temperature control in a tesla for example, it's run once then off.

Still good enough if you're heading back tot he car and want it comfortable when you get there though.

Interestingly the Homelink 1 and 2 commands alsso trigger it on and off.

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