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2012 Leaf, range shows 0km

Howdy! New user from Finland here.

Just installed OVMS on my 2012 Leaf. Works great. SOC originally showed 0% but then I learned that with 2012 you have to use "relative to fixed value" -setting.

I also built the cable from D26 to the TCU pin 11 so remote heating is working too.

Now only issue is that the Android App show "0km" in both ideal and estimated range. Should this be working? Not a big deal really because the SOC % is showing and in my car it's pretty much % = km.. :)

"metrics list" shows  "xnl.v.b.range.instrument 37km", but all the "v.b.range.*" fields are blank.

Oh. I figured it out myself.

Oh. I figured it out myself. Turns out range only works if "soh.newcar" is set. Why is this? SOH itself was showing just fine with soh.newcar=No.


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