I installed OVMS into my MG Zs EV a couple of days ago and followed the install instructions carefully.
Since installing, SOC has showed 103% ever since, despite me using the car and charging it back up, SOC did not change. Status also stayed as "Not charging"
This morning after I stopped charging, I saw that SOC is now correctly showing 79%.
I have just put it back on charge, bit it is still showing 79% and status is "Not charging"
Within the app, the odometer seems to be correct (12k miles) and it say's it's live with good cell signal.
From what I can see, everything seems to be set up correctly.
The location seems to work fine, although at one point it started showing as China, but then corrected itself.
Both these screenshots were just taken whilst the vehicle is on charge:
Result of 'metrics list' command in the shell:
OVMS# metrics list m.egpio.input 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 m.egpio.monitor m.egpio.output 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 m.freeram 3471108 m.hardware OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/3; MODEM SIM7600 m.monotonic 56043Sec m.net.mdm.iccid 8944501207218870133 m.net.mdm.mode LTE,Online m.net.mdm.model LE20B03SIM7600M21-A_CUS_JT m.net.mdm.netreg RegisteredRoaming m.net.mdm.network EE Hologram m.net.mdm.sq -59dBm m.net.provider REDACTED m.net.sq -86dBm m.net.type wifi m.net.wifi.network REDACTED m.net.wifi.sq -85.6dBm m.serial m.tasks 17 m.time.utc 1648469640Sec m.version 3.3.002/ota_0/main (build idf v3.3.4-848-g1ff5e24b1b Mar 7 2022 07:33:16) s.v2.connected yes s.v2.peers 1 s.v3.connected s.v3.peers v.b.12v.current v.b.12v.voltage 14.05V v.b.12v.voltage.alert v.b.12v.voltage.ref 12.6V v.b.c.temp v.b.c.temp.alert v.b.c.temp.dev.max v.b.c.temp.max 12,14,14,13,13,14,13,13,12°C v.b.c.temp.min 12,14,14,13,13,14,12,13,12°C v.b.c.voltage v.b.c.voltage.alert v.b.c.voltage.dev.max v.b.c.voltage.max 3.993,3.996,3.991,3.991,3.995,3.991,3.992,3.993,3.995V v.b.c.voltage.min 3.985,3.984,3.88,3.986,3.987,3.986,3.987,3.985,3.987V v.b.cac v.b.consumption 0Wh/km v.b.coulomb.recd v.b.coulomb.recd.total v.b.coulomb.used 0.020875Ah v.b.coulomb.used.total v.b.current 0A v.b.energy.recd v.b.energy.recd.total v.b.energy.used 0.00944594kWh v.b.energy.used.total v.b.health v.b.p.level.avg v.b.p.level.max v.b.p.level.min v.b.p.level.stddev v.b.p.temp.avg v.b.p.temp.max 14°C v.b.p.temp.min 12°C v.b.p.temp.stddev v.b.p.temp.stddev.max v.b.p.voltage.avg v.b.p.voltage.grad v.b.p.voltage.max 3.996V v.b.p.voltage.min 3.88V v.b.p.voltage.stddev v.b.p.voltage.stddev.max v.b.power 0kW v.b.range.est 179.4km v.b.range.full 263km v.b.range.ideal 207.813km v.b.range.speed v.b.soc 79.0164% v.b.soh 96.04% v.b.temp 14°C v.b.voltage 431V v.c.12v.current v.c.12v.power v.c.12v.temp v.c.12v.voltage v.c.charging no v.c.climit 35.2A v.c.current v.c.duration.full 0Min v.c.duration.range 0Min v.c.duration.soc 0Min v.c.efficiency v.c.kwh v.c.kwh.grid v.c.kwh.grid.total v.c.limit.range 0km v.c.limit.soc 95% v.c.mode standard v.c.pilot no v.c.power v.c.state stopped v.c.substate v.c.temp v.c.time 0Sec v.c.timermode v.c.timerstart v.c.type undefined v.c.voltage v.d.cp no v.d.fl v.d.fr v.d.hood no v.d.rl v.d.rr v.d.trunk v.e.alarm v.e.aux12v yes v.e.awake yes v.e.c.config v.e.c.login no v.e.cabinfan v.e.cabinintake v.e.cabinsetpoint 22°C v.e.cabintemp 11.7°C v.e.cabinvent v.e.charging12v yes v.e.cooling no v.e.drivemode 1 v.e.drivetime 0Sec v.e.footbrake 0% v.e.gear v.e.handbrake no v.e.headlights v.e.heating v.e.hvac no v.e.locked yes v.e.on no v.e.parktime 75412Sec v.e.regenbrake v.e.serv.range v.e.serv.time v.e.temp 12°C v.e.throttle v.e.valet v.g.climit v.g.current v.g.duration.empty v.g.duration.range v.g.duration.soc v.g.efficiency v.g.generating v.g.kwh v.g.kwh.grid v.g.kwh.grid.total v.g.limit.range v.g.limit.soc v.g.mode v.g.pilot v.g.power v.g.state v.g.substate v.g.temp v.g.time 0Sec v.g.timermode v.g.timerstart v.g.type v.g.voltage v.i.efficiency v.i.power v.i.temp 18°C v.m.rpm 0 v.m.temp 19°C v.p.acceleration v.p.altitude 26.7m v.p.direction 0° v.p.gpshdop 1 v.p.gpslock yes v.p.gpsmode AA v.p.gpsspeed 0km/h v.p.latitude 53.173 v.p.location v.p.longitude -2.71581 v.p.odometer 20502km v.p.satcount 11 v.p.speed 0km/h v.p.trip v.t.alert v.t.health v.t.pressure 288,280,284,260kPa v.t.temp 21,21,21.5,21.5°C v.type MGA v.vin PW7CB3FKZ247176 xmg.auth.bcm no xmg.state.gwm 0 xmg.state.poll 3 xmg.task.bcm 0 xmg.task.gwm 0 xmg.v.bat.coolant.temp 13.5°C xmg.v.bat.error 0 xmg.v.bat.resistance 8190.5 xmg.v.bat.voltage.bms 431V xmg.v.bat.voltage.vcu 431V xmg.v.bms.cell.voltage.max 3.996V xmg.v.bms.cell.voltage.min 3.881V xmg.v.bms.mainrelay.b yes xmg.v.bms.mainrelay.g yes xmg.v.bms.mainrelay.p yes xmg.v.bms.time 28/03/22 16:17:16 xmg.v.dcdc.load 0% xmg.v.env.faceoutlet.temp 12.8°C xmg.v.ignition.state 2 xmg.v.m.coolant.temp 18°C xmg.v.m.torque 0Nm xmg.v.radiator.fan no xmg.v.soc.raw 74.8% xmg.v.vcu.dcdc.input.current 0A xmg.v.vcu.dcdc.input.voltage 19V xmg.v.vcu.dcdc.mode 0 xmg.v.vcu.dcdc.output.current 0A xmg.v.vcu.dcdc.output.voltage 12.1V xmg.v.vcu.dcdc.temp 18°C
After contacting support, they provided an easy fix.
I was using the EU ovms.dexters-web.de server.
I changed this to the global api.openvehicles.com server and since then it has been working great.
It shouldn't matter which server you use, as they are equivalent. But you do need to make sure both the App and the Car module are set to use the same server.