I'm connected via USB cable to the virtual device COM3 (based on Device Manager settings) to the OVMS board at 115.2K Baud, 8 Data bits, 1 Stop bit, No Parity, and I DO see messages coming across the console. However, this appears to be read-only/display-only? I have an OVMS> prompt, but my keypresses don't seem to be getting registered or seen by the OVMS board. Is this serial interface a view only USB console interface?? Am I missing something obvious? There doesn't appear to be much out there on this topic.
Thanks in advance!
→ https://docs.openvehicles.com/en/latest/userguide/console.html#usb-console
Thanks. Yep, I had already figured out the 115.2kbaud rate and all, guessed at 8N1 (missing from the docs), and as I mentioned I even got the "OVMS>" prompt (via USB using PuTTY with the driver), but no outbound characters were being received/recognized/displayed and not being echoed by the unit. I tried no flow control, and a few other flow control selections to no avail. FWIW - I started out using 300 baud modems back before the internet was "cool" -- so I've learned a thing or two about serial ports over the years. :) The interface was just acting oddly (output only), and I wondered if anyone had experienced anything similar.
Not sure what might have happened, or why, but it's working now after a few reboots and having added an SD card.