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Install problem

Hi Mark
I got my unit and have a problem.
Got AT&T Sim and activated it. Tried it in my phone, it receives and sends SMS fine.
Put it in OVMS unit. Plugged into car, antenna connected.
Unit powers up blinking red, then red out, slow blinking green, then solid green, as expected.

Use my iphone to give it "REGISTER OVMS" - no replies ever come.
tried it 20 times... hours. unplugged it, plugged back in, waited for solid green + no red, send command again, no response. ever.

am i missing something or doing something wrong?

markwj's picture
We're diagnosing this by

We're diagnosing this by eMail now.

Mark - got unit for my 2.5

Mark - got unit for my 2.5 Roadster - installed it and keep getting single red error light and 6 green lights indicating I am not getting a cellular connection. Knowing the AT&T signal at my house is weak, drove to a cell tower and tried again, with the same result, any thoughts?

got unit with same Problem


some days ago i got unit vpr my Renault Twizy with the same Problem as andybm3 has. 6 green lights and one red light after that, all the time, tried it over night in hope to get signal. With my phone i have very good signal quality.

Another failure occured when I tried to turn off the GPRS switch.
The current jumps to 1.5A decreases to 0,5A and the DCDC becomes very hot.
Any idea whats wrong?

markwj's picture
For installation issues,

For installation issues, please see:


After working through that, if you still can't get it working please contact support (at) openvehicles (dot) com and we'll do what we can to help.

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