i got my OVMS V3 from Fasttech last Week and i wanted to set it up for my Twizy. At first i could connect via WIFI, set new SSID and Key, at the point where the Firmware should be updated, it said Firmware update succeeded. After a Reboot, i could not get any WIFI connection. Then i tried to reset to factory defalt with button S2 (10 seconds) and the Firmware Update over SD-Card without success. After that i connectet a console to view the messages and it looks like it is always rebooting.
ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57rst:0xc (SW_CPU_RESET),boot:0x1b (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT)
configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee
mode:DIO, clock div:2
entry 0x40078d74
I (906) psram: This chip is ESP32-D0WD
E (906) spiram: Expected 4096KiB chip but found 8192KiB chip. Bailing out..
E (907) cpu_start: Failed to init external RAM!
abort() was called at PC 0x400819b4 on core 0ELF file SHA256: 7593079033b0aac2c77188b6a4a120f76dbe2ee9b6a6ede002d8f6e2dd50f443
Backtrace: 0x4008ae83:0x3ffe3bc0 0x4008b119:0x3ffe3be0 0x400819b4:0x3ffe3c00 0x40078b02:0x3ffe3c40 0x40078bb5:0x3ffe3c70 0x40078d4d:0x3ffe3cb0 0x40078e96:0x3ffe3e70 0x40007c31:0x3ffe3eb0 0x4000073d:0x3ffe3f20
The message is sended perodically, so i can't make any commands via the console. I think i had to update the whole firmware with bootloader. Is there any manual how to do this?
Thank you for your Help!
you're the lucky owner of a module with increased RAM. Unfortunately the OTA "main" releases don't support that yet -- will do shortly, "edge" and "eap" already do.
You need to switch back to the factory partition using the ESPTOOL. See:
Then either wait for us to announce the next "main" release, or update from "eap" or "edge".
Hi Michael,
thank you very much.
Now the OVMS is back!
Regards, Florian
Apologies for this. Manufacturer made a change without letting us know. But the good news is that you have the latest module with 8MB PSRAM! :-)