Hi, hope someone can help.
Received my module at the weekend, set up went smoothly, pretty quickly I was able to achieve pre-conditioning the car from the app, which has been a problem since the TCU on my Nissan Leaf died.
Trouble is, I noticed within the first daytime of configuring and using it I had burned through 300KB ish of data on the SIM plan on hologram. I had wifi connected most of the time, although I noticed that often the module doesn't default to wifi interface st1, and sticks with pp3 (cellular) as default even if the wifi is connected. I don't know if this is a problem and means all data is going through the sim card if pp3 is "Default Interface"?
Anyway, I checked through reporting, notifications, etc settings and couldn't find a reason for the large data use. The file sizes when downloading from dexters don't add up to 1MB. I reset to factory and tried again, trying to leave everything as vanilla as possible, but still kept burning data and now the SIM plan is off having burned through 1MB in just 33 hours.
Any help appreciated.
Check the "*-OVM-Utilisation" records or their chart in the App to see if they match the Hologram totals. Check the server log for which messages are exchanged with the car.
On Wifi not being used though connected, see: https://docs.openvehicles.com/en/latest/userguide/wifi.html#wifi-signal-quality
Constant switching of networks in a low signal situation will also lead to high data usage, as the system retransmits all metrics on reconnect.
Be aware 1 MB isn't particularly much. My typical usage is 23 MB / month, as I keep the App connected in the background and have enabled GPS streaming with a 10 second interval.
Thanks for your reply.
I would say the two do not match exactly
We have this from -ovm-utilisation:
and then from hologram we have:
So I guess the "17/01/2022 01:00" entries from the -ovm-utilisation file means data since 16/01/2022 01:01 to 17/01/2022 00:59, or similar.
In which case they don't really correlate in timing, so I guess I am interpreting the time stamp incorrectly, but the total's close enough.
I can't check the server log, as I haven't installed an SD card, and my understanding is that I can't store and then read / download logs unless I do this. So I should dig out an SD card I suppose.
I have previously read through wifi.html#wifi-signal-quality and as a result set the signal levels to accomodate the signal strength the car was seeing from my wifi access points (make them tolerate poorer signals) and also checked the "Immediate disconnect/reconnect" box. Way after this, I was still getting large data transfers through cellular. For example, 10:10 to 11:13 today, when the car was just sitting on the drive, in range of the wifi, while I was working. No app running.
So, I don't have the app in the background, and I am on default GPS updates, which sounds like it will be less frequent than 10s. At 1.1MB over 33 hrs, we're talking ~24MB / month, so similar to you, but with less demand, maybe.
If i'm wrong and actually i'm placing similar demand to you (I am, afterall, in new toy mode right now), we're talking what? $10+ pcm on hologram. I wasn't expecting that and considering 95% of the time i'm mainly interested in pre-conditioning / de-icing when parked under cover of friends' and families' wifi, I didn't expect to be using a lot of cellular data...
Appreciate any more thoughts / ideas. Cheers.
Also see: https://www.openvehicles.com/comment/6997#comment-6997
That seems more usage than I would expect for a basic setup without App connected all the time. I typically use <2MB/month.
If you are using the standard api.openvehicles.com server, please let me have your vehicle ID and I will check the logs at the server side.
feet, of course I offer the same for dexters-web. You can also download the "*-OVM-ServerLogs" file to check yourself, but we can see & check some more things on the server.
If you don't want to share your vehicle ID here, send me an email (dexter@dexters-web.de).
Mark, I've checked my own logs and do see some potential for optimization, regardless of the actual cause here.
I've added a first change to reduce the 'F' (firmware) retransmissions.
Tracking issue: https://github.com/openvehicles/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3/issues/683
Thanks both. I'm using dexters at the moment, just as it was the first in the list I was using to setup.
Firmware over cellular was a suspicion of mine. I wonder if the apis can detect whether a car is connected on cell network or internet... not sure. It would be good if there was an option to only update firmware over wifi. Either way, as I speak, the car is defaulted to wifi, having been driven this morning, but it burned 304.19 KB on cellular after it had been parked up and connected to wifi for a while.
I'll send my vehicle ID by email dexter.
I've checked your logs and config. While your App actually is logged in for quite some periods of time (new toy mode…), there still are many messages transmitted by the car that normally would not have that frequent retransmissions. In particular the "S" message gets transmitted once per second often during your charge sessions.
I have a suspect for this, but that needs to be checked by the Nissan Leaf adaptation team. I'll send them my findings. I'm afraid you can't do anything about this if my suspicion is right, it needs to be fixed in the firmware.
→ https://github.com/openvehicles/Open-Vehicle-Monitoring-System-3/issues/684
Hmm... ok, thanks. FYI, I have not unplugged the 'alledgedly broken' Nissan TCU. If that makes a difference.
I had my tcu disabled by Nissan as per a recall for my 2015 Leaf (and I had already ordered my OVMS...) Even then I had to unplug it as OVMS could not control my heating system! I too have the Hologram sim and have never gone over the free meg per month.
I had my tcu disabled by Nissan as per a recall for my 2015 Leaf (and I had already ordered my OVMS...) Even then I had to unplug it as OVMS could not control my heating system! I too have the Hologram sim and have never gone over the free meg per month.
These 'real world' data usage estimates will be very helpful. I am going to try the Hologram & Twilio SIMs...and if the usage is consistently < 20 Meg/month it may affect my long-term choice (and save $).
Glad to help.
I'm working through some analysis with Michael at dexter's but in the 12 hours since I put a better wifi AP in to try to resolve it, i've still used 136KB. That's with 2x 40 minute trips in the car, the rest of the time on the driveway under wifi.