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Sudden jump in data usage

I've been happily using OVMS for just on two years, Nine days ago I lost my connection from the App to the device. 

This seems to have coincided with a massive jump in data usage. 

Any suggestions on why this may be the case?

Where should I start troubleshooting?

Stanton's picture
More Info

Can you provide a bit more background? SIM brand/carrier? 3G/4G?

It's a Hologram SIM. 

It's a Hologram SIM. 

However, I've been through the data logs, and its used all that data trying to connect to the server (v2). I've updated the OVMS firmware, and it has now been able to reconnect to the server - so I'm hopeful this is the fix.



Stanton's picture
Now I have a (similar) question

How often does the OVMS module "ping" the server? Is it adjustable (where?).

My (new modem) module seems to be active every 15 minutes or so; it's not a lot of data each time (~10kb), but over the course of a day (and month) it adds up. Is there any way to control the communications pattern, or is this a (3.3) firmware issue?

dexter's picture
Now I have a (similar) question

You can configure the update intervals in Config → Server V2.

Stanton's picture
saw that: just don't know

saw that: just don't know what the difference is between "idle" and "connected".

is "connected" when it's in a "session"...and how long does it take before it goes to "idle"?

Stanton's picture
I went in and modified the

I went in and modified the following:

  • shortened the "connected" interval
  • lengthened the "idle" interval

...and it's communicating (with server) even more! Obviously I need to better know/understand what these intervals mean.

markwj's picture
The 'connected' value is for

The 'connected' value is for when one or more apps are connected. The 'idle' value is for when no apps are connected.

A common cause of high data usage is leaving an app connected all the time.

Stanton's picture
A common cause of high data

A common cause of high data usage is leaving an app connected all the time.

I think this is my problem; I'm going to experiment with "closing" the app and see what happens. My (new) timeout values may in fact be good.

markwj's picture
Also suggest you disable TLS

Also suggest you disable TLS on the server v2 connection, and rely on built in protocol encryption. TLS adds overhead, complexity, and can contribute to connection loss and frequent reconnections, particularly in areas of poor cellular coverage.

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