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No push notifications on iOS

Hi, is there a server certificate issue with push notifications again, haven’t been receiving any on my iphone or my wife’s. 

G-man's picture
I have the same problem, no push notifications on iOS

I have tried everything, different sim card, ovms unit reset, reinstalled software. nothing helps

Sounds like it’s a problem

Sounds like it’s a problem their end. I assume Open Vehicles is still supporting the system? 

Same problem here: no push notifications on iOS

Same problem here. No push notifications on both our iPhones.

markwj's picture
We've tried replacing the

We've tried replacing the certificate for a new one, and this seems to be working now. Please check, and let me know here.

If still not working for you, and you are using api.openvehcles.com server, please raise a support ticket and we will investigate. Most likely a phone issue.

Problem solved indeed!

My apologies for the late response, but it is indeed working fine again now!

Thanks! yes

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