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4g not connecting with T-Mobile or hologram
Hello, I have tried to search on the forums but could not find an solution. here is the module summary with the hologram sim and further along is the T-Mobile. this is a 2016 nissan leaf with a new 40kwh battery placed last year, I had changed some values to the gids from what I read, hopefully that is correct. I appreciate any help. I have put a ticket but no response yet. OVMS MODULE SUMMARY Module Version: 3.3.002/ota_0/main (build idf v3.3.4-848-g1ff5e24b1 Mar 7 2022 10:13:53) Hardware: OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/3; MODEM SIM7600 12v: 0.0v MODEM Status Model: SIM7600 Network Registration: DeniedRegistration Provider: Sprint Hologram Signal: -81 dBm Mode: State: NetWait Ticker: 1423 User Data: 0 UART: FIFO overflows: 0 Buffer overflows: 0 Parity errors: 0 Frame errors: 0 Driver Buffer overflows: 0 Mux: Status up Open Channels: 4 Framing Errors: 0 RX frames: 2519 TX frames: 151 Last RX frame: 1 sec(s) ago PPP: Not running GPS: Connected on channel: #1 Status: enabled Time: enabled Configuration [auto] server.v2: yes vehicle.type: NL wifi.mode: apclient wifi.ssid.ap: Krillin wifi.ssid.client: Standard [can] [dbc] [egpio] [http.plugin] [http.server] [locations] [log] [modem] apn: hologram apn.password: apn.user: enable.gps: yes enable.gpstime: yes enable.net: yes enable.sms: yes pincode: [module] cfgversion: 2020053100 init: done [network] dns: [notify] [obd2ecu] [obd2ecu.map] [ota] http.mru: https://api.openvehicles.com/firmware/ota/v3.3/main/ovms3.bin server: https://api.openvehicles.com/firmware/ota [password] module: **redacted** server.v2: **redacted** [plugin] [plugin.disabled] [plugin.enabled] [plugin.repos] [power] [pushover] [sdcard] [server.v2] port: server: api.openvehicles.com tls: yes updatetime.connected: updatetime.idle: [server.v3] [ssh.info] fingerprint: AL/OQxb+RNRrh0YfqRTnrXTSUkHB9mK4BSIMDVd4254 [ssh.keys] [ssh.server] key: **redacted** [system.adc] factor12v: 195.7 [tpms] [usr] [vehicle] 12v.alert: 12v.ref: id: Krillin name: Krillin timezone: EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 timezone_region: America/New_York units.distance: M [wifi.ap] Krillin: **redacted** [wifi.ssid] Standard: **redacted** [xnl] cabintempoffset: .0 canwrite: no cfg_ev_request_port: 1 maxGids: 502 modelyear: 2016 newCarAh: 115 soc.newcar: yes soh.newcar: yes REPORT ENDS And I know prob the same with the t mobile sim OVMS MODULE SUMMARY Module Version: 3.3.002/ota_0/main (build idf v3.3.4-848-g1ff5e24b1 Mar 7 2022 10:13:53) Hardware: OVMS WIFI BLE BT cores=2 rev=ESP32/3; MODEM SIM7600 12v: 0.0v MODEM Status Model: SIM7600 Network Registration: DeniedRegistration Provider: T-Mobile Signal: -77 dBm Mode: State: NetWait Ticker: 166 User Data: 0 UART: FIFO overflows: 0 Buffer overflows: 0 Parity errors: 0 Frame errors: 0 Driver Buffer overflows: 0 Mux: Status up Open Channels: 4 Framing Errors: 0 RX frames: 289 TX frames: 25 Last RX frame: 4 sec(s) ago PPP: Not running GPS: Connected on channel: #1 Status: enabled Time: enabled Configuration [auto] server.v2: yes vehicle.type: NL wifi.mode: apclient wifi.ssid.ap: Krillin wifi.ssid.client: Standard [can] [dbc] [egpio] [http.plugin] [http.server] [locations] [log] [modem] apn: fast.t-mobile.com apn.password: apn.user: enable.gps: yes enable.gpstime: yes enable.net: yes enable.sms: yes pincode: [module] cfgversion: 2020053100 init: done [network] dns: [notify] [obd2ecu] [obd2ecu.map] [ota] http.mru: https://api.openvehicles.com/firmware/ota/v3.3/main/ovms3.bin server: https://api.openvehicles.com/firmware/ota [password] module: **redacted** server.v2: **redacted** [plugin] [plugin.disabled] [plugin.enabled] [plugin.repos] [power] [pushover] [sdcard] [server.v2] port: server: api.openvehicles.com tls: yes updatetime.connected: updatetime.idle: [server.v3] [ssh.info] fingerprint: AL/OQxb+RNRrh0YfqRTnrXTSUkHB9mK4BSIMDVd4254 [ssh.keys] [ssh.server] key: **redacted** [system.adc] factor12v: 195.7 [tpms] [usr] [vehicle] 12v.alert: 12v.ref: id: Krillin name: Krillin timezone: EST5EDT,M3.2.0,M11.1.0 timezone_region: America/New_York units.distance: M [wifi.ap] Krillin: **redacted** [wifi.ssid] Standard: **redacted** [xnl] cabintempoffset: .0 canwrite: no cfg_ev_request_port: 1 maxGids: 502 modelyear: 2016 newCarAh: 115 soc.newcar: yes soh.newcar: yes
Sorry on mobile, I'll try to

Sorry on mobile, I'll try to paste the info better later once near my computer.

Stanton's picture
Your problem starts here:

Network Registration: DeniedRegistration Provider: Sprint Hologram

The modem won't work if you get a "Denied Registration"...especially if it's not with the provider you think you are using.

And yes: don't post from your mobile in the future.

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