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Custom EV Intergration

I've converted my Beetle to an EV, and as such it consists of various components from different cars. For example, it consists of the Charger and Water heater from a Mitsubishi Outlander, but the bms is SimpBMS etc.

I notice DBC is alpha, would I best creating a custom vehicle integration or a DBC file? My hardware hasn't arrived yet so not had chance to experiment.

markwj's picture
Custom vehicle integration

Custom vehicle integration probably the only way at the moment. DBC support is still incomplete.

I've gone with a Custom

I've gone with a Custom Vehicle, got plenty of the messages working, SoC, voltage, and various temperatures :D Plenty more to go. Not worked out the android app yet.

I'm now wondering about bluetooth, as the device has GPS. I'm thinking it would be cool to be able to use BT Serial to broadcast NEMA GPS so my none GPS tablet can use it for navigation. Might be a longer term project, to implement, currently use my phones GPS to share location via bluetooth for it.

markwj's picture
The chip has bluetooth, but

The chip has bluetooth, but is very tightly constrained regarding RAM (and in particular IRAM). You can enable bluetooth, and there has been some work on that, but will probably have to disable other functionality to free up enough memory to do anything useful.

Ahh, no worries. 

Ahh, no worries. 

Working on other aspects of the integration, put pretty pleased with it. I've not got the trip integration working yet. It's even calculating my Wh/m for me (charging in the screenshot)

For my BMS I track ah used, where 0 is full. I'm thinking of using v.b.coulomb.used.total for the current used ah of the pack instead of lifetime. I assume this will not be an issue? 

Not far off ready to start working on the android app customisations.


" Custom EV Intergration" methode.

Hello highvoltagebeetle and Markwj,

That is quite a long time I am willing to Customize this amazine material for other vehicles than the ones yet intergrated. I would like to use it on a Dacia Spring EV, on a Zero S Motorcycles and on a Super-Soco CUx Mopped Scooter.

Would you be nice to explain how did you work out your customization?

Exemple =

1> Used the OVMS module with OBD2 snithing signal/data/PIDs during planed trip

2> Read the PIDs reccords and list the results

3< Create a Vehicle profile on the OVMS Module (how to do it?)

4< Create a Vehicle profile on the App (Ho to do it?)


Thanks in advance.

markwj's picture
See this sticky:

See this sticky:


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