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Insufficient significant figures in GPS positions


I've noticed that reported positions from my OVMS module are a little coarse. On a map, positions when driving look a little "stair-cased". On investigation, it appears that the OVMS module is emitting GPS location with too few decimal points. For example, from the shell:

OVMS# ​metrics list
v.p.latitude                             -44.8962
v.p.location                             Home
v.p.longitude                            144.281

It appears OVMS is enforcing 6 significant figures, which means longitude truncates to 3 decimal points, which is not enough for sufficient accuracy. Is there some way I can correct this?



markwj's picture
The GPS precision in OVMS is

The GPS precision in OVMS is 6 decimal places. That is what I get on my cars.

Maybe the last digits are zero in your case? Like 44.896200?

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