Hello everyone,
I need help before I become crazy.
My installation is ok since a few years but I had to change my provider from twillio to simbase.
And since I replaced the simcard, I can't have a stable connection to the servers.
I can see some allowed connections with little data consumption on the Simbase website, but nothing strong enough to be fonctionnal.
Can you please guide me?
SIM Provider: simbase
MODEM Status Model: SIM5360
Network Registration: RegisteredRoaming
Provider: TELUS
Signal: -69 dBm
Mode: WCDMA,Online
State: NetMode
Mux: Status up
PPP: Not connected
Last Error: User Interrupt
GPS: Connected on channel: #1
Did you change the APN (and cellular username/password) to match your new service provider?
If you can provide the cellular logs (from OVMS) here, that would help diagnose.
Eny help? Thanks.
They probably have some kind of error in ovms.
When replacing the sim, even from the same operator, the same error as yours.
Fortunately, I managed to revive the original sim card. And I'm online again.
I hope I won't have a problem in the future.
I got a cheap sim card but I had to go back to the original sim card.
I hope someone finds a solution.
Note that the SIM is entirely handled by the SIMCOM cellular modem module we use. OVMS does very little other than providing the configured APN, username, and password.
All SIM specific problems I've seen so far have been one of: