Hello everyone,
I need help before I become crazy.
My installation is ok since a few years but I had to change my provider from twillio to simbase.
And since I replaced the simcard, I can't have a stable connection to the servers.
I can see some allowed connections with little data consumption on the Simbase website, but nothing strong enough to be fonctionnal.
Can you please guide me?
SIM Provider: simbase
MODEM Status Model: SIM5360
Network Registration: RegisteredRoaming
Provider: TELUS
Signal: -69 dBm
Mode: WCDMA,Online
State: NetMode
Mux: Status up
PPP: Not connected
Last Error: User Interrupt
GPS: Connected on channel: #1
Did you change the APN (and cellular username/password) to match your new service provider?
If you can provide the cellular logs (from OVMS) here, that would help diagnose.