Currently running MODEM SIM7600 with Tmobile sim card, its register on the network but no data, I checked APN several times and all is good cant established PPP
Is there anyway I can manually set IMEI of the SIM7600 modem, i believe this is likely the issue why it cant get data on Tmobile network?
Your help is highly appreciated
This the status of the modem
The IMEI is a part of the modem device itself, and I don't think it should be changed.
That said, supposedly the AT command "AT+SIMEI=xxx" command will change the IMEI. Never done it, so not sure if it is persistent. I suggest writing down the existing IMEI number before messing with change it.
More likely the SIM card is not registered or activated for data service, or the APN/user/pass is incorrect, or some other compatibility issue.
I appreciate your help on this, do you happen to know what command I need to type in shell to know the current modem IMEI? I have it installed in the car in a hidden area would take me couple of hours to get it out trying to avoid that if this can be retrieved from the shell
I would say to try the sim card on a phone and see if data is activated. If you know how to send AT commands to modem. I am interested. I'm new using OVMS.
If you know how to send AT commands, you can try to check some ones:
should return something like:
+CGDCONT:1, <Tmobile internet apn>
you can also try AT+CGACT?;
should return +CGACT:1,1 meaning that apn context 1 is activated.
if it returns +CGACT:1,0 it means that modem internet apn is not activated.
In any cases, you can send me the returns of the AT commands. I can help you on understanding the values. These AT commands are part of the 3GPP standard.
Here are the commands on my OVMS module
OVMS#cellular cmd AT+CGDCONT?
+CGDCONT: 1,"IP","sl2sfr","",0,0,0,0
OVMS#cellular cmd AT+CGACT?
+CGACT: 1,1
I am looking for help in getting connected with a T-Mobile SIM. First question - what is the correct APN?
Have spent many hours on the T-Mobile tech help line without success. They can see the MODEM, including the IMEI, and this information has been added to my account at T-Mobile. The first time I called them the conclusion was that my MODEM was 3G and T-Mobile no longer serves 3G. Their system reported the device was incompatible with the network. I accepted this answer and purchased the SIM7600G MODEM upgrade.
Installing the SIM7600 has not resulted in any better results. Still can't connect. Had second long call with T-Mobile support. Equipment and IMEI shows up correctly at their end.
When I monitor the operation of the modem it very briefly, perhaps a second, shows that is is registered to T-Mobile. Looks like:
Model: SIM7600
Network Registration: RegisteredHome
Provider: T-Mobile
Signal; -81 dBm
Mode: LTE, Online
State: NetStart
Mux: Status up
PPP: Not running
GPS: Not running
After this shows briefly, Network Registration changes to "Not Registered" and Provider goes blank.
The conclusion from T-Mobile tech support was once again that the device is not compatible with the network. Quite frustrating since others seem to be using T-Mobile without issue.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
Probably not what you want to hear, but my recommendation is go with an IoT provider like Hologram; they contract out with multiple providers (T-Mo/ATT) and handle the APN selection, etc. I have used Hologram with my 4G modem and my bills are <$5/month.
It's quite possible that T-Mo will never allow such a device on their "standard" APNs...but the support folks don't know this (and probably don't understand what you are trying to do).
Anyone with any luck getting t-mobile to work? Same error here.